Sunday, 9 October 2016

Adventure Dome

Saying goodbye to Tal, Christof and I headed off to Las Vegas. This part of the plan had had no pre-planning whatsoever. My plan was just to relax for a few days before flying home. The road trip had gone great but I like finishing up here just to recharge and rest...which is the last thing that people do when they come to Vegas. 

Christof was of a similar opinion but we did agree however to meet up and ride the one new coaster that had appeared here. An S&S custom El Toro coaster. This is nice given we had been to their facility just a day before.

The ride is located in the Adventuredome at the rear of The CircusCircus casino at the northern end of the main strip. The north end looks much more run down the more I come here but this hotel is still standing strong whilst some construction of new hotels hopefully start. 

There's an OK selection of rides including 3 coasters; as well as the new one there's a corkscrew and a kiddy coaster that Christof has ridden, part of a very small group of enthusiasts who have managed it. For the majority of us admittance has been denied as we're too old. I didn't bother trying this time either.

The conventional El Loco design is famous for it's small footprint and compressed elements. This one has the elements in a different order but is a similar ride. It does a lot to you quite quickly.

We did have a run in with some Spanish speakers at the station who queued in the line to our left but tried to board our seats allowing two of their group to ride with them in the row they'd queued for. A quick "out" backed up by the ride operators soon got them out and we were soon on our way.

The ride is really good. I love hang time on coasters and for a long time my favourite element was the half twist half loop on the otherwise terrible coaster down the road at New York New York. This has the same element so I was naturally going to like it. Even better the restraint is lap-bar only making the hanging just that little bit scarier.

The ride even finishes with this element. Perfect!

Nice that they've displayed more on the ride for the geeks!

and that was Adventuredome. Still the best amusement park on the strip...not that there's much competition here. The ride is great if short, but they've done really well to get it in here.

Today's ride of the day because it was the only one...

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