Monday 3 October 2016

Garden of the Gods

Because we didn't ride the Terra Dactyl at the previous park we were running ahead of schedule so decided to squeeze in an extra attraction in this area. 

This is Balanced Rock, the signature rock formation in the Garden. It used to be under private ownership and you'd have to pay a premium to photograph it but that was changed and it's now visible to all to try to push it over.

Today was quite busy and getting somewhere to park up was a little tricky, leaving lots of other cars to drive around aimlessly. Something to bear in mind if you're visiting on weekends.

The boys with another catalogue shot.

We spent a little time clambering over the rocks here.

Somehow I manage to get the perspective just right to make Tal appear like a giant. This became one of my favourite photos of the holiday despite it being a fluke!

The area is quite large and is significant to the Native Americans with many tribes gathering around here.

There are plenty of recreational activities to do around here. Horses aren't my thing.

We stopped off at a couple of sites around here. The rock formations are cool and not something I'd seen before.

I guess Mars would look a bit like this. The red comes from Heamatite, rock fans!

Perhaps not surprising given the crowds the park does become a bit of a playground. We did climb on some too, so not a criticism.

A little reminder that there are actually snakes around here. We didn't see any though. 

This is called The Three Graces and I did try to spider climb up this. I sucked at it.

The views here are great. Not the big vista we were seeing at the parks but the unique terrain made it cool.

Somewhere on here there's a climber.

I'm liking this photo. The skies looked a bit foreboding.

More pictures of the rocks. Not much to say really. 

One of the more unusual natural rock formation, ha!

A professional dog walker who forgot to bring water so the dogs were lapping it up from the others supplies. Stay safe kids!

So this was a nice quick stop. The parks in the US are way better than the cities, and any chance you get to visit a national park, do consider it. We were fortunate that we were running ahead of schedule but I still had it on the plan just in case; I guess a sign that I had over-planned the trip. All good :)

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