Thursday 6 October 2016

Lakeside Amusement Park

Lakeside is another park I was re-visting but unlike the previous park, this was one that I loved as it shirked the usual corporate nonsense, the strongest memory being that they remained open until the people left.

That's the Tower of Jewels. They're really lights but look good at night.

First up was the park's wooden coaster, Cyclone. 

This is an old style wooden coaster still with Art Deco touches and a brake man.

I loved the coaster the last time I rode it, and I liked it again today. It still holds up really well and is on the right side of wild to make it fun to ride. As last time the ride crew were running it very well too. A definite hit!

In earlier this times this must have been a wheel attraction of some sort. Today it's more ornamental.

Close by, this fills the gap that the other left behind.

Roller Coaster number 2 was the rather excellent Wild Chipmunk. A well padded car gives you enough of a prompt to brace for a suitably wild ride. More violent than the other single seater mice done previously in the trip, but in a good way. This is another great ride for the park.

Lots of Art Deco still peppered around the park.

We took a trip on the train ride which leaves the park for a circumnavigation of the lake that gives the park it's name. 

Coaster number 3 was one I watched the others ride. A rather over the top construction for a simple dragon coaster.

The park has a good selection of kid friendly rides. The two big coasters are the only real drawn for the adults, well perhaps the spinning big wheel too.

The final coaster, the kid one is a tough one to get. I managed it but only having bought some 100th birthday merchandise and having a persuading chat with the park manager. This time they were wanting a donation to the Roller Coaster Museum and for us to return back in the evening when the kids were all gone. Unfortunately we would have been well on the way to the hotel, although there was a lot of discussion on what to do. So one that slipped through the others' fingers.

This is not a coaster, and was down anyway.

So our stay at Lakeside was briefer than I would have liked and I was disappointed that we couldn't time it so that we were here at night. Unfortunately the drive west was quite a long one and prevented us from achieving that. I still like this park even though I wasn't quite as enamoured with it as I was the first time. I hope the others were charmed by it too...especially when compared to Elitch.

Coaster of today was the Wild Chipmunk 

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