Friday, 16 September 2016

The Big Texan

For dinner we headed back to a restaurant that we passed on the way to Wonderland. 
A famouse, if touristy place that offers a 72oz steak challenge, where you have to eat it in an hour with sides.

I didn't go for the big challenge, as they make a big deal of it putting you on a stage etc. but I did give myself a mini challenge by having this one which was a quarter of the size and to see if I could eat it in 15 minutes, which I did (14:23 to be precise). 

That includes the little salad.

There's a little bit of theming inside.

You know you've found the right place when you see this outside.

This is the list of people who had completed the big challenge. 

and being a complete pig I also had dessert. So I was bloated but well fed :)

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