Monday, 26 September 2016

Western Playland

Located very close to the US/Mexico border and in the shadow of the Sunland Horse Track and casino is Western Playland.

Booooooo!!! The Galaxi coaster was down here today too. There was definitely some sort of pandemic knocking these rides out. Well done to the park for offering cheaper entrance to compensate for not running everything; I could never see Thorpe Park doing that. 

The Galaxi did look really good, and with the sun starting to go down the lighting was making the photos look even better.

A fairly standard carousel.

(Photo is Tal's)

Our first coaster was their newest, another Spinning Coaster similar to the one we'd seen in the pizza place a few days prior. I think already we were a little bored of these and would ride to get the tick. They don't spin wildly enough for us!

The second coaster was the Miner Coaster, a kiddy coaster made by Miler that wasn't bad at all. It's a little longer than most and bucked us grown ups nicely. Coupled with being given enough laps to enjoy it and not too many to be embarrassed riding it, this was actually pretty popular with most of the small crowd that had shown up at the park tonight.

Look away from the ride. There's nothing for you to see here. 

Wheeee! This had a very loud dance music soundtrack dominating most of the park.

Our final coaster was the Hurricane, which was one that I had actually ridden before when it was located in California at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. It's memorable for having a ridiculously steep turning drop halfway through the ride. 

Tal was all set to give the Drop Tower a go until someone puked all over it, causing it to be closed.

The park surrounds a huge lake, which they could do more with. This is the view from one side of the park towards the "nothing to see here" Galaxi.

There's a little train ride that goes around some of the park. 

Tal didn't make it to our train in time :(

Ominous skies...

The park has a small sky ride which we rode at the end of the day when the sun was starting it's descent into dusk.

It only runs on one side of the park but offers some opportunity to get aerial shots of 3 of the rides.

OK, not quite aerial in this one's case - more elevated.

Team Germany pass us by.

and that was Western Playland. A really nice place with an ok selection of rides; nothing amazing, but it doesn't need to have anything like that. A nice evening vibe and a cooler climate caused by the cloud cover made this a nice respite from the days prior. From the parks visited in the last few days it was obvious we were in an area where parks were just places to spend the end of the day, much like a bowling alley in a built up location...although I guess they have bowling alleys here too.

and today's coaster of the day, on a day with very few coasters was The Hurricane.

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