Sunday, 9 October 2016

Avenger Station

Located in Treasure Island, the hotel where I was staying is a new Marvel's attraction called the Avenger Station. Its aim is to train you up with the knowledge of the characters with tests done via an app that you download to your phone. It's part museum, part video game.

The attraction contains a number of props from all of the films.

The costume section is alright using clever glass in front to overlay the costumes with facts and shots of them being worn.

The floor leading to the Ant-Man section has projected ants that show the way.

A nice selection of Iron Men

The musclebuster was the most popular one being photographed.

I ran into some technical issues towards the end of the attraction where I lost wifi preventing me from completing all the training. Also doing the attraction alone I wasn't going to get the most of the final challenge where you're going up against Ultron. Fortunately one of the operators came in with me to help out.

So, if seen as a museum more than an attraction this is OK. Until they sort the wifi out I don't know how the full experience works. 

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