Sunday, 9 October 2016

Seven Peaks Fun Center

We actually made it into Salt Lake quicker than planned, which was intentional. As an optional contingent stop we had highlighted Seven Peaks Fun Center, a small FEC place located south of Salt Lake. This was another place that I visited with Christof during a club trip to Salt Lake in 2012 but the coaster wasn't operating with an engineer having taken the motor off. In fact many who had visited this park 

So we arrived late in the day but the park was still open and as we made our way through to the coaster it was apparent that we weren't going to get it today either. The ride is now roped off and there still appears to be work going on with the motor.

So as soon as we were in we were on our way out to get to our hotel.
The Liberty Statue was the only other thing worth photographing here. Such a nice backdrop too!

and that was the Seven Peaks park. It has become one of the most hit-or-miss visits that results in a miss so I can't really give any advice to help you get it. The park's facebook page doesn't help for either.

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